Skin rejuvenation

Skin rejuvenation - radiantly young

A smooth complexion ensures a fresh radiance and is the hallmark of youthful, soft skin. Many people do not want to do without these characteristics even at a more mature age and want to maintain an even complexion for as long as possible. Skin rejuvenation can be achieved with modern lasers.

Advantages of skin rejuvenation

  • Smooth skin without injections
  • Long-lasting effect
  • Extensive treatment areas

Treatment at a glance

Duration: 30-45 minutes

Anesthesia: Local

Socially acceptable: 7-9 days

Sun: avoid

Costs of skin rejuvenation

Skin rejuvenation from

How does the CO2 laser work?

The fractionated CO2 laser is used for so-called skin resurfacing. By removing the superficial layers of skin and heating the surrounding tissue, a significant tightening effect is achieved. Furthermore, even deep wrinkles, e.g. around the mouth, are smoothed and acne scars are reduced.