Keratoses, warts & xanthelasma

Keratoses, warts and xanthelasma removal

Skin lesions such as keratoses, warts and xanthelasma can affect self-confidence and be perceived as annoying. They occur in many people and can be unpleasant for both aesthetic and health reasons.
Keratoses are often recognizable as rough, scaly patches on the skin and are usually caused by excessive sun exposure. These skin lesions can appear in various forms, including actinic keratoses, which can pose an increased risk of skin cancer. Warts, on the other hand, are benign growths that are often small and can appear in uncomfortable places such as the hands or feet. Xanthelasma are yellowish fatty deposits around the eyes and can be a problem for many people.
In the past, these skin changes were often removed surgically, which was often associated with scarring and longer healing times. Nowadays, laser treatment with the Almas Pixel CO2 laser can be an effective and gentle method of treating these skin problems.

Advantages of removing keratoses, warts and xanthelasma

  • Improved self-confidence
  • Reduced risk of scarring due to the CO2 laser
  • Improvement of the skin structure

Treatment at a glance

Duration: 30 minutes

Anesthesia: as required

Socially acceptable: 5-10 days

Sun: avoid

Costs of treatment for keratoses, warts & xanthelasma

Small area
Medium size area
Large area

How does the removal of keratoses, warts and xanthelasma work?

In our practice, we rely on the German manufacturer Alma Lasers. Alma's Pixel CO2 is a powerful laser platform that offers unparalleled precision and innovation. The fractional, minimally invasive and highly effective treatment solution for a variety of aesthetic indications significantly reduces risks and improves medical outcomes. Compared to ablative lasers, which remove the entire upper skin layer, Almas Pixel CO2 uses the fractional ablation method. This involves the ablation of microscopic areas of the skin surface, leaving the surrounding tissue intact and accelerating wound healing.

The treatment

Before the laser treatment, the doctor provides the patient with detailed information, makes a diagnosis and develops a treatment proposal. The area of skin to be treated is first anesthetized. As a result, the treatment is virtually painless. The tissue is then ablated with short pulses in the form of pixels. The energy impulses trigger the formation of new collagen, the substance that is responsible for the firmness and tautness of skin and connective tissue in the human body. New collagen is also formed around the treated area, making the tissue firmer and also reducing smaller wrinkles. This fractional treatment significantly reduces the risk of side effects such as hyperpigmentation, scarring, infection and permanent erythema. Patients benefit from a shorter downtime and more comfort compared to traditional skin resurfacing.

What is the advantage of laser treatment?

The advantage of laser treatment lies in its precision and effectiveness in the targeted removal of skin lesions. Compared to traditional surgical procedures, laser treatment offers several decisive advantages:

  • Gentle treatment
  • Minor pain
  • Shorter recovery phase
  • Precision

Rules of conduct before and after treatment:

Before the treatment:

  • Current tanned skin is not suitable for laser treatment
  • No peelings 1 week before


After the treatment:

  • Avoid direct sunlight
  • 2 weeks no solarium
  • 4 weeks no strong warming of the treated area
  • Red spots and crusts can be seen for a few days


What complications can occur?

Typical side effects include temporary pain, redness, capillary bleeding (purpura), blistering, crusting and temporary hypo- or hyperpigmentation. These are normal and usually heal without scarring.

How often does the treatment have to be repeated?

Up to three repeat treatments may be necessary to achieve the desired result. However, it should be noted that the treatments should generally only be repeated once a year.

Is the treatment painless?

Treatment with a CO2 laser is generally painless, as an anesthetic cream is applied beforehand. In addition, the skin is cooled with a cold air device (Cryo 6) during the treatment to provide additional comfort.